Sarah Connor Excitement (Nerdchieftain: Jan 15, 2008)

Original Post here.

I watched the second installment of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles last night.  I was worried because the previews made it look like the Terminators had already found them… again.  Which kind of sucks, I mean, the TV series should evolve, not drop the biggest whammy plot hook all at once.  It would seem my worst fear was only partially realized and because the Terminators… well aren’t so smart at strategizing/thinking/communicating, the hammer has not fallen.  Two terminators have seen them, one knows who they are.  But Skynet doesn’t, at least that is what Cameron says.

It would seem the series is off to a stunning success.  I like that the Terminator protector can learn to act human.  The reinvinvention of the interplay of the war through time travel because of the Terminator 2 movie outcome is brilliant, and instead of being a lame movie spin-off with inconsistencies, this is actually a plot geek device to drive the lore and make a deeper, richer, more believable war.

As the name of the series implies, the story is really all about Sarah Connor.  Does she have the strength to get through?

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