90210 meets the Terminator

So it appears that another 90210 star goes Sci Fi.

Luke Perry went sci-fi for “Buffy the vampire slayer “(The movie not the TV show) and “Jeremiah”.

Jason Priestly went sci-fi for “Tru Calling ”

Now it looks like David Silver aka Brian Austin Green is meeting up with Sarah Connor.

I had heard rumors regarding the resistance fighter’s arm tattoo looking very similar to the tattoo showcased by Green but I hadn’t received any confirmation.

I’ve seen pictures and I can say with some certainty that Green is the Mystery man from the future.

Looks like he will appear in several upcoming episodes.

One Response to “90210 meets the Terminator”

  1. Steve Poole Says:

    One late night on HDNET I stumbled across an episode of FIREFLY. An hour later I was wondering how long Summer Glau had been hiding there. Her portrayal of River showed amazing depth and talent, and her wardrobe hid her stunning natural beauty, so you could concentrate on her acting. The Sarah Connor Chronicles will not survive without her. Once again, she has made a role completely her own, and finally her unique faintly Asian exotic beauty(you can tell by the hooded eyes, my wife figured that out, she’s Asian also)is being showcased. She is the total package ! long live Summer !!

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